"She this call heart? Her heart is so cruel. If she has a heart, she can’t eat the whole family alive? " Liu youren roared

Lu Xiaoning smiled coldly and looked at the angry father. Who is it that wants to eat someone alive? "Elder sister, don’t you hurry up and make a soft mistake? It’s always bad to disobey your elders, "Liu Fanghua urged. Lu Xiaoning gave her a cold look and really wanted to slap her to death. […]

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"Hey, hey, you are a smart person, but I won’t answer your questions. Think about it yourself." Mo Yi once again took out two bronze bells to teach Xu Ren an unforgettable lesson, but when he took out two bells, he was suddenly wrapped up by several swords.

"You a sword array can stop me monster beast? Too naive! " Don’t grieve for the yin. Xu Renxiao still said, "You might as well try to see if the monster beast still listens to you." Don’t ruin his face, rain or shine, showing some hesitation, but soon his hesitation color disappeared and he still […]

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Lu Xiaoning helped her forehead. No wonder Zo In Sung pestered her a few days ago to tell her something interesting. She thought he was annoying and casually said a few paragraphs on the Internet before. It turned out that he was going to coax Chen Siyao.

"What are you talking about? So happy? " Lu Xiaoning pushed the door and went in. Zo In Sung immediately up "xiao ning, you can calculate to miss Chen and miss shen have been waiting for you for a long time, you talk about me and go to the front to watch the point. Do […]

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This place is sacred to the ancient people, and it is also worthy of respect to the terran, because deep down, the emperor once lived, and there is a clock to sit in, so there is no need to worry about the ambush of the ancient royal family

The two sides negotiated in harmony, and each side deliberately avoided conflicts, leaving everything to the general assembly to solve. Wen Huang’s virtual road, fire jiaqi, Taoist silkworm, emperor, Yuan Gu and others will all show up. Although they were tossed by Hengyu for ten days, their strength is still underestimated. And the kings who […]

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Some people can get sad no matter how much they pay, and she is glad that she has not paid nothing back.

"Grandma," Lu Xiaoning sobbed, "Don’t you blame your granddaughter for telling you this now?" The old lady shook her head. "If you had told grandma, I’m afraid she wouldn’t have believed you." This is the truth. How could she believe it if she didn’t see clearly that Lou’s people had learned about youth and kindness? […]

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